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tv   The Daily Rundown  MSNBC  October 31, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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the ebola quarantine quarrel in maine rides on with state officials showing no signs of backing off. and what have the president's point men been doing so far? and christie has something new to say about telling a heckler to sit down and shut up. and the latest from colorado and his very busy finish for 2014. good morning and happy halloween from washington. i'm luke russert. it's friday, october 31st, 2014. this is the "daily rundown." after a 48-day man hunt, police in pennsylvania have captured accused cop killer eric frein. frein is expected to make his first court appearance any minute. you see him in the orange jump suit. last night, a team of u.s. marshals found the 31-year-old survivalist outside the hangar of an abandoned airfield during a routine search of buildings. police have been searching for frein since september when he was accused of ambushing two
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pennsylvania state troopers outside of their barracks. that attack killing one. and seriously wounding another. during a press conference last night, state officials promised that justice would, in fact, be served. >> he has been stripped of his guns, his bombs and now his freedom. >> let me assure you from everybody here just will be served. >> frein is expected to be charged with multiple counts, including first degree murder. prosecutors say they plan to seek the death penalty. nbc's sarah dahllof is live in pennsylvania. sarah what do we know about how frein was captured and what's the process moving forward now legally? >> well, good morning, luke. we know that after terrorizing a community for 48 days, pipe bombs found in the woods, a black clad figure with mud on
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his face spotted multiple times. and halloween put on hold. we know that after all of this, frein surrendered peacefully with no shots fired. in fact, law enforcement describes his surrender, in fact, as meek. now, he was taken into custody in the handcuffs of the trooper he allegedly killed. a fitting end, those say, who have been serving for him through this whole ordeal. he's expected, as you said, any minute now, to be arranged on charges, including first degree murder. prosecutors saying this is a serious, serious crime with serious consequences. they plan to seek the death penalty. we also are told we will hear from the district attorney shortly after that arrangement about more details of this court process and what they'll be doing going forward. >> and, sarah, you touched on it a little bit, but we've been covering this story throughout the 48-day man hunt and it really has made an impact on how the citizens of that area, pennsylvania, have lived their lives. schools canceled. some folks even afraid to walk out on the street. massive man hunt seemingly every
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day. talk about what the community is doing this morning. there mutt be be a sense of relief and the kids have to be happy that halloween is back on. >> halloween is back on just in time for some of the big community festivities that are planned. that really speaks to how people have been living their lives. things being put on hold during this manhunt. i remember when we were very first here talking to people who were trying to keep going with their normal lives but finding it pretty much impossible. one man had been working in his yard. he said the whole time he just kept looking over his shoulders at the woods. he didn't think frein was in the area but, like many people, he just kept wondering what if. so a huge sense of relief here in the community. it's what everybody is buzzing about in the coffee shops you go into, in the stores. and a huge show of support for the pennsylvania state police. there's a banner right over here behind me. this is across the street from where the shooting happened. and just on a giant bed sheet someone has spray painted, way to go, psp. so just a huge outpouring of gratitude from the community knowing this man is no longer out in the woods and no longer a
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threat to this community. >> and, sarah, we see he was taken into custody today. what do we know about the next steps for him with the legal process? obviously, it seems they want to seek the death penalty. do we have any dates so far yet? >> that's what we'll find out this morning in court. this is the very first arrai arraignme arraignment. he was taken into custody, you know, less than 24 hours ago. so here begins the legal process. with the death penalty case obviously going to be a very lengthy ordeal. prosecutors at this point seem very committed to pursuing that death penalty for shooting and killing a trooper and wounding another. so we're expecting to hear from the district attorney right after that arrangement a little bit more about the time line, a little bit more about how everything is going to proceed here into the future. >> nbc's sarah dahllof live from pennsylvania right where eric frein was captured recently. thank you. now, to the latest on ebola. in a bike ride that made
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national news this morning, camera crews remain camped out at the home of nurse casey hickox, the woman at the center of the fight between individual rights and fear surrounding ebola. after talks about her treatment fell apart, hickox defied the state ordered quarantine with her boyfriend. he said the two went out of their way not to expose anyone on their bike ride. >> we did not go into town. we did not go into the grocery store. we are not try to get anyone sick. we don't believe that we can get anyone sick. and we are not trying to put anyone at risk. so we're not trying to push any limits here. we're members of this community too. and we want to make everyone feel comfortable. >> fearless members of the media there. hickox who treated ebola patients in sierra leone continued to insist the
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quarantine order isn't it make sense. but maine's governor says she should be more aware of how other people are feeling. >> her behavior is really riling a lot of people up. and, you know, i can only do what i can do. and we're trying to protect her but she's not acting as smart as she probably should. >> yet on thursday, the american nursing association backed hickox in a statement that says, quote, nurse hickox who continues to be symptom free, poses no public threat. the country's top infectious disease doctors agree. >> when a person is without symptoms, the person is not at a risk to transmit infections. >> but there are growing concerns that quarantine rules could discourage american health care workers from going to africa. something president obama brought up earlier this week. on thursday, the executive director of doctors without
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borders told reuters there has been a chilling effect. quote, there is rising anxiety and confusion among our staff members in the field over what they may face when they return home upon completion of their assignments in west africa. but a stanford surgeon who is in voluntary quarantine says he always knew it would be part of the deal. >> my family knew i was not going to be coming home to them. we understood that there would need to be a separation and that we'd have to take all -- all prudent measures to remain safe. >> we're covering this story from all angles. nbc's stephanie ghost is live in maine. stephanie, i'll start with you. new breaking information about a court order pertaining to miss hickox. >> just lost -- >> we've lost -- can you hear me
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now, stephanie? all right. >> yes, luke, we're just getting -- >> go ahead, go ahead. >> luke, sorry about that, we're having some problems here with the audio. we are getting word there is a court order that's been issued here in the state of maine and the state order is following the cdc guidelines. we've been talking this week about a court order that would compel hickox to stay inside her house. that's not actually what this court order does. instead, it follows these guidelines. among them are included the rules that she's allowed to go out in public as long as it's not in a place where there are lots people. as long as she keeps a three-foot distance from people, that's allowed. that includes things like the bike ride we saw yesterday. on top of that, it requires a daily monitoring. we have been seeing a health worker come here from the cdc in the afternoon every day so she's
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been abiding by that. there are also limitations on how she can travel. she can't use public transportation. she can't go outside of the fort kent area without consulting with people within the state. so far, she has abided by those rules as well. so definitely a step forward here in the legal process for officials in maine. it's a little unclear still if there are any issues that kacie has with these guidelines. it's a little different than staying in the house and threatening her with arrest if she leaves. luke. >> stephanie gosk. mainers like to say it's hard to get cell phone service there. sometimes we have technical difficulties. kelly o'donnell at the white house. a few weeks ago, ron klain was tapped as the bl czar for the obama administration. yet he hasn't had a real public role. we haven't had any press conferences from him or
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statements on camera. how is he carrying out his authority here? >> almost in an odd extension of the confusion that surrounds ebola itself, how it's transmitted and how health care workers should be treated, there's some confusion about the role of ron klain. it's about expectations. the obama administration had said it would be a behind the scenes role. ron klain, who has formally worked as the chief of staff for biden and gore back in the day, is in the role to coordinate the federal response. we're told part of what he's been doing is also trying to encourage those health care organizations to get the word out to keep encouraging health care workers to make the sacrifices to treat ebola in africa and to be prepared for steps that would need to be taken back here. the administration says state and local authorities are in charge of that, but they're trying to encourage those officials to use science to make their judgments. luke. >> kelly o'donnell, from the white house, thanks so much for doing this.
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we appreciate it. now, we want to get a medical perspective on some of these issues. for that, i'm joined by dr. debby, professor at nyu's school of medicine. what do you make of the hickox situation and how much risk does she pose to the public by going on a freedom bike ride? >> there are a couple things to consider. first, you can only spread ebola if your bodily fluids come into contact with somebody else's bodily fluids. the fact she's not having any symptoms, she's not contagious or dangerous to other people. it only tests positive when you have the symptoms. so that part is true. in a rural area like maine, especially this procession that might warn those members of the public that are concerned, it should be safe. she doesn't have to come into contact with people while she's in public. i do think it might be a different story in a place like new york city because on the
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subway system, for example, if someone did have symptoms, if someone came down with symptoms while they were out on the subway, it would be hard to get three feet away from people. so i think, you know, i think this court order makes sense for her but i don't think it will end the controversy about quarantines in general. >> doctor, you think there needs to be some sort of uniform federal standard for how to deal with returning ebola treatment workers? each state is sort of making up things as they go along. >> i agree with you. >> then you get into these questions of state rights and federal rights. i think it would be nice to hear from the ebola czar himself about these different things because people do talk about the science but there's different ways of applying that science depending on the situation. so and there are different frontiers in this battle. we're talking about the quarantine but we also have to consider vaccine development and even testing. if we found a way to have a better test that would tell us if someone's positive before
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they had symptoms, then we would avoid this entire controversy. >> yes, it seems the politics always beats the science. debby, thank you so much. we appreciate it. much more on the ebola quarantine controversy ahead with senator chris kuhns who's proposing a new way to treat volunteers coming back into the u.s., plus a bit of temper flare-up caught on camera has christie on the defensive. hear what he told kacie hunt about the run-in last night. first, a look at today's planner. the president is in rhode island this morning. later, leaders at fort kent, the hometown of kaci hickox, speak to the press about student safety. ♪ ♪ ♪
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thanks for coming back to "tdr." former president bill clinton will be in raleigh this afternoon to try to persuade democrats to turn out on tuesday. for freshman senator kay hagan, republican state speaker tom tillis travels through northern north carolina on the second day of a state-wide bus tour. msnbc's steve kornacki has more on what each candidate needs to do to win on tuesday. >> all right, luke, yeah, we want to take a closer look at north carolina. this is one of those key battleground states. this is one that democrats dearly want and need to hang on to if they're going to keep control of the senate. kay hagan, the incumbent democrat you see here. kay hagan in the most recent poll leading by four points the republican challenger tom tillis. we always like to look at the average of all polls because sometimes an individual poll can be a little funky. there's margin of error. there can be some noise in the polling. when you look at the average of all polls in north carolina,
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what you see, very close race. less than two points. on average when they poll this race, kay hagan leading tillis by less than two points. this is one of those races that republicans think they can catch the democrat at the wire. they think -- they keep talk about the idea of there being a wave in the year 2014. this is one of those states if there is going to be a republican wave, where tillis could wash over kay hag be at the very end, would be a big pickup for republicans. so how do democrats defend against that? what are they counting on to win north carolina? what you're seeing here is this is the map of north carolina. the county map, red, republican, blue, democrat, for 2012. obama versus romney. remember, mitt romney did win this state, barely. he won it by two points in 2012. this is the state that president obama carried as a democrat. he carried it in 2008. he came very close in 2012. i want to show you what was key
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to that. what was key to president obama keeping it close. you can look at these counties. these are critical for kay hagan if she's going to win. this is mclehmberg county. the biggest city in mclehmberg is charlotte, the queen city. this is wake county this is where the capital city of north carolina is is raleigh. these are the two largest counties in north carolina. they're both very democratic. how democratic? let's look a little bit closer now. this is mclehmberg. obama won mclehmberg county, charlotte basically, by 100,000 votes over mitt romney. a giant plu ralty. in 2008, hagan did better in mclehmberg than what you're seeing here. this is sort of the baseline. democrats need something. they need to get as close as they can to this presidential level turnout in charlotte. charlotte's about one-third
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black. wake, again, you look at the margin that barack obama got. this is the rally area. again, kay hagan's not going to be getting this kind turnout but she needs to be getting higher turnout in wake. she needs to be getting higher turnout in mclemburg. these are the democratic base counties. how they go on election night is going to tell you how north carolina's going and how north carolina goes is going to tell you about the democrat's chances of hanging on to the senate. >> indeed, thank you so much for that wonderful read-through. it's been a decade since the gop won a major statewide office in colorado. republicans hope gardner will change that in four days. a new quinnipiac poll, he leads udall. other polls has the race closer. but udall told msnbc's "morning joe's" kacie hunt that the democratic turnout machine that pulled off senate michael bennett's come from behind victory in 2010 can win again this year.
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>> people look at the numbers. they look at the turnout. now tracking way beyond what we saw in 2010 with our mail-in ballot system. so i'm very optimistic. >> have you made any mistakes in this campaign? >> we all make mistakes. the key is, do we learn from the mistakes. i'm a mountain climber. you don't climb a mountain every day in a sweep fashion. you climb a mountain by steady focused approach. >> national democrats may be blaming the white house for projected losses but bennett, who's in charge of getting democrats elected, he would not acknowledge it. >> are you going to win in arkansas, yes or no? >> yes. >> are you going to louisiana? >> yes. >> iowa? >> yes. >> new hampshire? >> yes. >> north carolina? >> yes. >> you got any nos? alaska? >> yes. >> colorado? >> yes. these are very adverse conditions. that's certainly true. look at the map. look at the geography. look at the states we're running in. i have incredible confidence in
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our candidates. >> michael bennett, st. al bbon guy, always optimistic. republican bob beaupreau, who's running for governor. >> what happened yesterday with the sandy protester. is there any downside to that? >> i don't think about it. i am who i am. my view's always been that -- and i told people in new jersey this when we're at public events, you give it, you're getting it back. >> i would not encourage my kids to go to an event like that and scream at a public official and treat a public official with disrespect. >> would you continue to conduct yourself that way if you're elected president? gli don't even know if i'm running for president so that's really speculation on speculation. >> kacie hunt is live in colorado springs, colorado. it seems in this day and age,
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people are thinking more and more about who's hand is on the trigger militarily and who can have a calming presence to the american public. christie, though, he's going back to his real old feisty self. not necessarily humbled by bridge gate anymore. >> hey, luke, i will say he was more subdued campaigning yesterday than i've seen him at other points. as you saw, he took a more measured tone about what happened. he can be pretty brash. he kind of brought that down a notch. >> in colorado, it's obviously going to be about turnout. that's what chuck schumer said on "meet the press," a few points because of the turnout operation there. bennett was behind in 2010, yet was able to eke out a win by running up the margins on women, specifically unmarried women. from what you've seen on the ground, does udall have the ability to have those margins
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with unmarried women as well? >> that's obviously what theme been trying to do for the whole course of this campaign. i think you also can't forget about hispanic voters. they're a critical part of the electorate here. if democrats have a problem there, it's that many hispanic voters feel the president hasn't taken strong enough action on things like immigration reform, ending deportations, other executive action. so democrats have in some ways have trouble motivating the hispanic vote this time around and that could come to hurt udall. >> kacie hunt, colorado, thanks so much, we appreciate it. democrats hope a high-profile abortion measure on the ballot in colorado will help them drive turnout. the personhood measure would amend the state's constitution to include unborn human beings in the colorado criminal court. gardner supported it until just weeks after entering the senate race. shocker how that happens. now he opposes it.
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udall has a vote the ballot measure many times in the race. pro and con, they're duking it out on the air waves. >> i was just leaving the doctor's office and we were struck by a drunk driver. and i lost brady. the law says that brady wasn't a person. brady was 8 pounds, 2 ounces. >> i was on my daily run when i was attacked and beaten and raped. what i've been through is one of the many reasons i oppose amendment 67. when i was at the hospital, i was offered emergency contracepti contraception. amendment 67 could ban abortion and emergency contraception. >> amendment 67 is just one of the several ballot initiatives on abortion. a ballot measure in north dakota would amend the state constitution to provide an inalienable right to life at every stage of development. in tennessee, a measure would empower the state legislature to repeal abortion laws, including
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laws related to rape and insist. the abortion measures are just a few of the 146 propositions that will go before voters and states on tuesday on issues ranging from the minimum wage, guns, marijuana, health care, genetically modified food, class size and sugary sodas. nbc news pete williams joins us. first on the abortion measures, coloradoans voted down similar measures in 2008 and 2010. explain this for us. >> '08 and 2012, i think you meant to say in colorado. opponents say these measures, all three of them, would clearly ban abortion, would limit early contraceptive care, early pregnancy care, in vitro fertilization, that kind of thing. in tennessee, the measure is intended to overturn a state supreme court decision that said the constitution, the state constituti constitution, provides strong protection for a woman's right to choose. you mentioned gun control it
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it's very interesting in washington state. it's actually dueling propositions. one, initiative 594, would require universal background checks for all gun sales. this would close the so-called gun show loophole, regulate individual sales. then there's just the opposite. the initiative 591 would bar any background checks that are stricter than federal law. so they're mutually exclusive. on the minimum wage, four states are voting to raise it. alaska, nebraska, south dakota, arkansas. ranging anywhere from $75. 75 cents to $1 in the short term and raising it up more in the out years. in illinois, it's simply a sense of the voter kind of initiative that would be a nonbinding resolution that would say the minimum wage out to be at least $10. there's some indication that may be on the ballot to try to
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encourage democratic voter turnout, luke. >> without doubt, something the campaign operatives definitely want to do. also, we have a tax on sugary beverages and energy drinks in co california. >> in the bay area, in your mother's home area, if i'm not mistaken. >> that's right, god's country. >> that's right. two cents an ounce on sugary drinks in san francisco. one cent an ounce on sugary drinks in berkeley. a lot of money being poured into those develop local races by opponents and proponents of that idea. >> berkeley trying to go mike bloomberg. pete williams, thank you, we appreciate it. much more "tdr" ahead. first, today's trivia question. when was last election that resulted in a senate caucus that was split 50/50 between republicans and democrats? the first person to tweet the correct answer @dailyrundown will get the wonderful prize of an on-air shoutout from me on halloween. the answer and more coming up on "tdr." take a closer look at your fidelity green line and you'll see just how much it has to offer,
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a big loss for the city of boston. tom menino died thursday. he was diagnosed with cancer in february, shortly after leaving office. he won re-election four times. the front page of today's "boston globe" dubbed him the urban maestro. in a statement, president obama called him big hearted, boston strong and the embodiment of the city he loved. mayor tom menino was 71 years old. and now we are going to take you back to pennsylvania. where we have live pictures of the courthouse in pike county. where the preliminary arraignment for suspected cop killer eric frein has just wrapped up. we're going to update you in a moment. obviously, a lot of developing news out there in that story. we're going to hear from, we believe, the district attorney as to what the next legal steps will be with mr. frein. more on that, breaking news,
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developing news now out of pennsylvania. where accused cop killer eric frein has just been arraigned. we expect to hear some from the district attorney about what exactly the legal process will be moving forward. there you see him right there in that orange jump suit. obviously under heavy trooper protection. he has been the subject of a 48-day manhunt through rural pennsylvania woods. of course, you'll remember frein was a survivalist with anti-government views. he killed one state trooper. seriously wounded another. really kept that community over there in pennsylvania under a constant state of fear. children were not allowed to go to school for some time. capturing him last night. a sense of normalcy being returned to residents, good to
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see that. a district court order imposes new restrictions on nurse kaci hickox. among other things, she's not allowed to go to public places or leave fort kent. shep has to stay three feet away from everyone. while different states have taken different approaches in the way they handle people returning from west africa, the pentagon has been very clear. if you're a member of the military coming back from that part of the world, you're going into quarantine for three weeks period. >> this is about a major military operation. and big things on a global scale. we took a conservative approach and we'll assess it in 45 days. but we're going to keep them safe. >> even the strictest form of response by states only calls for quarantine if you're come in contact with ebola patients. but other states are simply monitoring people. some by sending officials. others by asking people to do it themselves. joining me now to break all this
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down, delaware democratic senator chris kuhns who chairs the senate subcommittee on african affairs. senator kuhns, thank you for being on the show. i'll ask you, as a member of congress, you see all these different state protocols. new jersey wanted to do is now vastly different from what maine is doing. confuse to a lot of people. should there be one set of uniform federal rules that dictate how folks returning from these areas should be treated, especially health care workers? >> well, luke, i think it is important. president obama and the federal government take a clear and positive stance on one issue in particular. i just wrote an editorial about this. that's how we treat the heroes who are volunteering to go to west africa and treat those who are infected with ebola. when they return to the united states, and i believe the president should guarantee that they will have a right to return to the united states, we should make it clear they'll have their
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health care funded and any income they lose through up to 21-day risk-based quarantine should be replaced. one of the biggest threats these different standards in terms of quarantine provide is those who we most need to go to fight ebola where it is raging out of control in three west african countries might be deterred from going. if they have fears that they may be prevented from coming back to the united states. so we need to step up and recognize and reward the missionaries and the volunteers who have done most of this work by guaranteeing their right to return and guaranteeing that they'll have their health care and their lost income paid for. states, luke, have historically had the freedom to set their own standards as to how they respond to contagious diseases, but i do think we need to strike the right balance and have risk-based monitoring that is informed by science, not politics. >> we have to turn over to this man hunt in pennsylvania. so sorry, give us a second here.
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district attorney tom kkin is about to deliver remarks. let's listen in. >> -- attempted murder in the first degree. attempted homicide of a law enforcement officer. assault of a law enforcement officer. possession of weapons of mass destruction. discharging a firearm into an occupied structure. possession of an instrument of crime. and reckless endangerment. i would like to remind everyone that while eric frein is now in custody, the investigation is still ongoing. the pennsylvania state police, the fbi and the atf will continue the investigation so we can build the best case in order to achieve justice on behalf of corporate brian dixon, trooper alex douglas and the pennsylvania state police family. we are now started to find the
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answers that the community desired in this case. the families in this matter of corporate brian dixon and trooper alex douglas and the pennsylvania state police have suffered an unimaginable loss of unspeakable proportions. they will never be the same, but today, we find some comfort as a community that we are taking these next steps towards justice. to my left, a man who needs no introduction. lieutenant colonel george bivens. to my right, my first assistant district attorney, bruce de saro. other members of pennsylvania state police and my staff. i will take questions now.
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and also lieutenant colonel bivens will be available for any questions. >> what was the -- what was the real break in this case? was there a sighting? was there a clue? what really led you to him? >> i will let lieutenant colonel bivens address that. >> this was not a result of a tip or a sighting. this was the result of the ongoing pressure put on frein by law enforcement. and so we had continued the grid searches. the woodland searches. the house to house, cabin to cabin searches. as a result of that, one of the teams in this case, u.s. marshals, located him as part of a routine sweep through the woods that they were conducting. >> why did he do it? do you have any idea? >> we're not prepared to discuss motive today. that will be part of the ongoing investigation. he has spoken since his arrest. again, that's part of the
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ongoing investigation. we won't be commenting specifically on any statements that he has made. >> when he was arrested, did the troopers tell him anything? was there any message sent to him once he was arrested, anything at all? >> no, there was no message. he was transported and then interviewed by members of the pennsylvania state police. >> what's today like for you? even though he's been arrested, one of your own is no longer with you. >> it's difficult for everyone in the state police and particularly for the dixon family. i think there's also a sense of relief that this has ended. relief that there won't be anyone else injured in the course of this man hunt. that was always a big concern. this individual has shown himself to be very dangerous both with the rifles that he carried, the handguns and the explosives he had built. there was always concern for the safety of law enforcement. very proud of the work that the men and women of the state
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police and also all of our fellow law enforcement agencies did in apprehending frein. the searches are j s ares are o speak. we've been in contact with the family but i'm not prepared to discuss anything that may have been said there. >> -- arms on him at the time of his arrest? >> i'm sorry, i -- >> -- any idea why he didn't have the arms physically on his person? >> no, i wouldn't want to speculate. we've gained some insight. without going into a lot of specific detail, i would characterize it much as we've said all along.
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find food. in other cases, he had things hidden. he was able to shelter and get out of the weather much as we expected was occurring. no, we're not going to characterize or comment on anything he said. my understanding, he was outside the hanger. surprised him as he was outside of the hangar. gave him commands to surrender. >> do you think he was assisted by anyone -- >> we have no reason to believe he was assisted by anyone at this point. he has talked to us about things that -- over that 40 plus day period.
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we're still working through all of that. that's part of the investigation. to determine where exactly he had been and will determine which of the sightings were legitimate but it's going to take some time. again, that's all part of the ongoing investigation. >> any idea how long he was staying in that hangar and what other locations he had been in? >> that will be part of this investigation. there's a lot of evidence that we're in the process of collecting right now. it will take us some time to analyze all of that. compare it to statements he has given us. and allow us to really kind of map out his entire time out in the woods or in those cabins. >> is he being cooperative -- >> more explosives in the woods -- >> i'm sorry? >> has he indicated there are more explosives in the woods he has left behind?
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>> he has not. we've says previously based on other interviews he's done. as far as we're finding that belief. again, that will be all part of the investigation. so we may have a better idea of that in the coming days. >> as to why he did it, do you have an idea why he did it? i've characterized his actions in the past as pure evil and i stand by that. i'm sorry? >> -- may have just left the area --
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>> we remain confident he was in this area. again, everything pointed that he was here and that's why we focused the vast majority of our efforts in this area -- >> -- cooperating with the investigation -- >> i'm sorry, just one minute. as far as the cost, we're calculating those. in the past, i've said we were in the ballpark of 10 million. i think that's probably a fairly reasonable estimate. i suspect we'll have specific costs available for you. i think that gives you the rough idea. >> -- in relation to where he was captured -- >> again, that's all part of the search ongoing. i can tell you we know there are weapons in the hangar and those will be collected and processed as part of the ongoing search warrant down there. >> suspected murder weapon -- >> we'll have to determine that. >> -- cooperating -- >> he has spoken with law
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enforcement but i'm not going to go any further than that at this point. >> -- significant place to be that he stayed -- >> that will be part of this ongoing investigation. really not prepared to say that's the case. we know he moved around. hopefully we'll be able to determine how long he stayed, in what locations as this unfolds. >> -- high profile, will he be in the general population -- >> do you know? >> that will be up to the ward be of the pike county correctional facility. >> this was a lengthy search. where's the general morale, feeling, after seven weeks of just exhausting searches? >> the morale remained high. i will tell you we brought in numerous waves of people from across the state, troopers that were anxious to come here, and there was never a shortage of
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volunteers offering to come up. while they were here, they gave us a very good effort. i'm very proud of the work they've done. i comment the other agencies bul you that i'm proud of the way our people stepped and never lost faith and got this done. >> thank you, ladies and gentlemen. [ applause ] >> you just heard there a press conference from pike county attorney talking about recently captured survivalist who was part of a 48 day manhunt. his capture was not a result of a tip or a break in the case but a routine sweep of the wooded area. you also saw the law enforcement official there say that perhaps the reason why frein was able to be on the run for 48 days all that time he was able to get in
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cabins that were abandoned and find food. let's go to sara dallof who joins us now. the next legal date i wrote down is november 12th. interesting it was not a result of a tip or a sighting. it was a routine sweep of the area they've been doing for the last 48 days. >> it really speaks to how hard they work, luke, and how in the end the hard work paid off. they've been doing grid searches since the initial shooting since it began just a grid after a grid after a grid. just mapped out there. the forest here is so thick and dense. it was the way to do it in a calculated, mapped out fashion. we can see here that it really paid off. we're learning a lot more detail about how he was captured. he was outside the hanger when law enforcement came upon him. they surprised him. they say he followed all of their commands. they say they also found the weapons inside they're
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cataloging. he was armed when he was captured. he's not indicated, to our understanding with, if there may be more bombs. he had tied some of the pipe bombs allegedly to trip wires. a bobby trap out there. it was concerning to law enforcement but it sounds like he was just going from a structure to structure from cabin to vacation home to, you know, the hangar to conceal himself. the cost of the search so far up to $10 million. a huge, huge search that involved a lot of law enforcement personnel and a lot of man hours there on the ground. you heard them also say that this is an ongoing investigation in order to build the best case to achieve justice. they talked a bit about the slain trooper, about the wounded trooper and said, obviously, their lives and family's lives will never be the same. today we can find some comfort in knowing this man is off the street house. >> sara dallof, stay with us. we'll bring in senator chris
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koontz from delaware a state that is not too far away from where this occurred. it's nice when law enforcement has a victory like this over someone who committed an act that was described as pure evil. 48 days never giving up in finding this suspect. >> that's right, luke. my congratulations to lieutenant colonel bibbins and everyone and the state troopers and many other local municipality and county law enforcement officers who participated in this seven week manhunt across a very remote and difficult terrain against a terrible human being who committed one of the most heinous acts to murder a police officer is horrible enough. but to do in an unprompted ambush to attack law enforcements. i think that's why law enforcement was so motivated and engaged. congratulations to them. i'm the cotheir of the law enforcement caucus in the
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senate. it's been on the news regularly in our region. as you mentioned earlier, lead to broad concerns along civilians. law enforcement has done a terrific job in bringing this man to justice. >> senator chris koontz from delaware we appreciate you weighing in. sara, obviously we talked so much earlier about what this was like for the community. 48 days of being scared to go outside. halloween possibly not going to happen for children. kids not being able to go to school. $10 million worth of funds going into the search. the community has to be breathing a sigh of gracious relief. >> they really do today, luke. this has put their lives on hold for seven weeks. lie you mentioned, no one was going about their daily business. not just that it was a general sense of unease that nobody knew where the guy was. and nobody knew what he was up to. and there was a feeling that
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things just couldn't return 100% to normal. they couldn't be 100% safe until he was captured. that is what people are waking up to. the knowledge their lives can go completely back to normal and a huge sense of gratitude to the men and women of law enforcement who dedicated their lives over the last seven weeks to difficult terrain, dangerous circumstances and in the end came out viktous. they have their man. no shoots fired. they can begin to seek justice for the slain trooper, his family, the wounded trooper, and the community in general. >> without doubt. nbc sara dallof live in pennsylvania. eric frein, the suspect has been captured. it was no at tip but simply a manhunt presence that has been going on for the last 48 days. the injuries on his face? the officer said are not due to being taken down by law enforcement. in fact occurred while in flight in the woods there. mr. frein's next court date will
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be november 12th. they want to pursue the death penalty. we'll see how it works out. that's it for the edition of the daily rundown. a special thank to the crew and producers who worked on the show when it originated from d.c. we're going to miami in a few weeks with a great man. jose diaz-balart is next and rachel maddow. don't miss that. i'm meteorologist bill karens with the weekend forecast. and boy is it going to be chilly in areas of the great lakes, ohio valley, and even the deep south to start your saturday morning. the sun will make it feel better in the afternoon. highs in the 40s as for a south as kentucky. chilly and raw in the mid atlantic and new england. on sunday a coastal storm is possible. it could bring areas of snow to new england. ♪
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the families in this matter of corporal bhave suffered an unimaginable loss of unspeakable proportions. they will never be the same but today we find some comfort as a community that we're taking these next steps toward justice.
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>> the da in pike county pennsylvania just moments ago on the arrest of accused cop killer eric frein. good morning i'm jose diaz-balart. developing news right now in a pennsylvania courthouse. the alleged cop killer, frein, made his first court appearance on murder charges. last night his 48-day run from the law came to an end. police say the survivali isist surrenders without major incident in an abandoned airfield. nbc's sarah dallof is at the police barracks. what happened in court? >> that is what everybody is asking after 48 days on the run. after pipe bounds found in the woods. eerie sightings. eric frein taken into custody peacefully. he was actually meekly taken